Gemstone (demo)

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Gemstones refer to items that can be placed into the sockets of other items. One group of Gemstones is a series of 1x1 items that emerge from owning a Box of Riches. There are five different kinds of these Gemstones: Amethyst, Emerald, Ruby, Sapphire, and Topaz. Each type of Gemstone's rarity fully ranges from Common (Chipped) to Godly (Perfect). Each Gemstone has three effects, with only a single one being active at a time depending on how they are placed within the player's inventory. There are currently three other Gemstones, Lump of Coal, Corrupted Crystal and Tim, which can be found in the shop regardless if you have a Box of Riches or not.

Acquisition Methods

Generated from a Box of Riches

Each Box of Riches within the player's inventory will generate a random Chipped Gemstone upon entering the shop from battle. The Gemstone will be placed in a vacant adjacent cell, or thrown into Storage if no such cell is found.

Rolling with a Box of Riches

When the shop is rolled, there is a certain chance for a Gemstone to be rolled if there is at least one Box of Riches placed within the player's inventory. The Gemstone will always appear in the highest priority unreserved slot. The slot priority is as follows: middle left, top, bottom left, bottom right, and lastly middle right.

Having multiple Boxes of Riches does not increase the chance of a Gemstone appearing nor does it allow you to find more than one Gemstone in a single roll. Customer Card does not always affect the rarity of a rolled Gemstone, resulting in Chipped Gemstones appearing despite the particles indicating that the Customer Card has affected that shop slot.

Crafting Gems of Higher Rarities

The four different Gemstone combination methods.
Socketed gemstones ignoring distance but respecting item adjacency.

Gems of the same type and rarity may be combined to form a Gem of the same type and one rarity higher. For example: two Chipped Amethysts may combine to form one Flawed Amethyst. Gems may be crafted while socketed within items, resulting in the following crafting methods.

  • Combining adjacent Gems, both placed within the inventory.
  • Combining a Gemstone adjacent to an item with one socketed.
  • Combining multiple Gemstones socketed into the same item.
  • Combining Gemstones socketed onto separate adjacent items.

Note that when a socketed Gemstone is to be crafted, its distance to the other Gemstone is irrelevant: all that matters is that the items the Gemstone(s) are socketed into are adjacent.

A Gemstone's adjective indicates its rarity level, following the below convention.

Gemstone Naming Convention
Rarity Adjective Price
Common Chipped 1
Rare Flawed 2
Epic Regular 4
Legendary Flawless 8
Godly Perfect 16

Sockets and Placement Effects

Certain items have gem sockets that are capable of holding Gemstones. Gems have different effects depending on whether they are placed within the inventory, socketed on a Weapon, or socketed onto Armor and other items.

If an item has multiple of the same kind of Gemstone socketed, each effect is handled individually. For example, multiple Emeralds will each have their own chance to inflict Poison, rather than adding their chances together.

Socketing a Gemstone is not permanent and may be removed at any time.

Socketed Gemstones are unaffected by Star effects.

List of items with gem sockets

Sockets Type Name
1 Helmet Cap of Discomfort
Cap of Resilience
Glowing Crown
Stone Helm
Melee Weapon Bloody Dagger
Burning Sword
Burning Torch
Claws of Attack
Cursed Dagger
Fancy Fencing Rapier
Forging Hammer
Hero Sword
Hungry Blade
Magic Torch
Molten Dagger
Molten Spear
Poison Dagger
Spectral Dagger
Spiked Staff
Villain Sword
Wooden Sword
Ranged Weapon Amethyst Whelp
Belladonna's Shade
Belladonna's Whisper
Bow and Arrow
Critwood Staff
Emerald Whelp
Fortuna's Grace
Fortuna's Hope
Magic Staff
Ruby Whelp
Sapphire Whelp
Serpent Staff
Staff of Fire
Stone Golem
Tusk Piercer
Tusk Poker
Shield Frozen Buckler
Spiked Shield
Wooden Buckler
Shoes Dragonskin Boots
Leather Boots
2 Armor Ice Armor
Leather Armor
Stone Armor
Vampiric Armor
Melee Weapon Axe
Burning Blade
Chain Whip
Falcon Blade
Flame Whip
Hero Longsword
Holy Spear
Prismatic Sword
Thorn Whip
Ranged Weapon Dancing Dragon
Ice Dragon
Obsidian Dragon
Ruby Chonk
Shield Moon Shield
Shield of Valor
Sun Shield
3 Armor Corrupted Armor
Dragonscale Armor
Holy Armor
Moon Armor
Sun Armor
Melee Weapon Blood Harvester
Death Scythe
Ripsaw Blade
4 Impractically Large Greatsword
5 Double Axe
6 Busted Blade

List of Gemstones

Amethysts from Chipped to Perfect.


Weapon sockets:

On hit: 20/30/45/65/100% chance to remove a random buff from your opponent.

Armor & other sockets:

Your opponent's healing is reduced by 15/20/25/30/40%.


Every 8/6/5/4/2.5s: Cleanse a random debuff.

Emeralds from Chipped to Perfect.


Weapon sockets:

On hit: 35/50/70/80/100% chance to inflict 1/1/1/2/2 Poison.

Armor & other sockets:

10/15/20/25/35% chance to resist Poison.


After 3/4/4/3.5/3s: Gain 1/2/3/4/6 Regeneration.

Rubies from Chipped to Perfect.


Weapon sockets:

On hit: Lifesteal 7/10/15/20/30% of the dealt damage.

Armor & other sockets:

Your healing is amplified by 10/15/20/25/35%.


After 5s: Steal 4/6/10/15/30 life.

Sapphires from Chipped to Perfect.


Weapon sockets:

On hit: 15/25/40/60/80% chance to attack health directly, gain 1 Mana and inflict 1 Cold.

Armor & other sockets:

5 Mana gained: Gain 2/3/4/5/7 Block.


After 3/4/4/3.5/3s: Inflict 1/2/3/4/6 Cold.

Topazes from Chipped to Perfect.


Weapon sockets:

Attacks 10/15/20/25/35% faster.

Armor & other sockets:

10/15/20/30/35% chance to resist a stun. 4/6/8/10/15% chance to prevent a hit from being critical.


Increase base stamina regeneration by 8/12/20/30/45%.

List of Other Socketed Items

Name Effect Class Rarity Cost
Burning Coal
Weapon sockets:

On hit: 12% chance to deal +6 damage and gain 1 Heat.

Armor & other sockets:

Start of battle: Gain 15 Block. Resist 3 Cold.


After 5s: Gain 2 Heat, cleanse 3 debuffs.

Rare 2
Corrupted Crystal
Weapon sockets:

Opponent below 30% health: Deal +50% damage.

Armor & other sockets:

7 debuffs inflicted: Gain 6 Block.


Every 5.5s: Inflict Fatigue damage.

Epic 7
Lump of Coal
Weapon sockets:

On attack: 70% chance to deal +1 damage.

Armor & other sockets:

Start of battle: Gain 8 Block. Resist 1 debuff.


After 3s: Gain a random buff, inflict a random debuff.

Common 2
Weapon sockets:

On hit: 50% chance to steal a random buff.

Armor & other sockets:

30% chance to resist a debuff or crit.


Opponent drops below 30%: Heal for 50 and gain 5 Empower.

Unique 11


Version History
Version Change
  • Ruby (inventory): Now triggers once after a delay, life steal increased
  • Sapphire (inventory): Now triggers once after a delay, adjusted Cold amount
  • Emerald (inventory): Now triggers once after a delay and gives Regeneration directly
  • Topaz (armor): Now also gives some crit resistance, but less stun resistance
  • Topaz (inventory): Now gives base stamina regeneration instead
  • Reworked Topaz (Armor): Now gives Stun resistance instead
  • Reworked Emerald (Armor): Now gives Poison resistance instead
0.7.0 Amethyst (Weapon): Now triggers “On hit” instead of “On attack” (this is for consistency)
0.6.0 Sapphire (Weapon): Now works “On hit” instead of “On attack”
0.5.6 Sapphire (Weapon): Mana gain 2 -> 1, Chances are increased
  • Emerald (Weapon & Armor): Increased chances
  • Sapphire (Weapon): Decreased chances
0.5.2 Emerald (Weapon): Chances increased
  • Topaz (inventory): Stamina gain 1 -> 1.5
  • Fix: Regular Emerald (Armor) chance 35% -> 25%
  • Topaz (Inventory): Stamina gain 0.5 -> 1
  • Sapphire (Weapon): Chances increased, Mana 3 -> 2
  • Sapphire/Emerald/Topaz/Ruby (inventory): cooldown increased
  • Gems (Weapon/other): overall slightly improved
0.4.0 Emerald/Amethyst (inventory): now always activate on cooldown even if there is nothing to cleanse/buff
  • Sapphire/Emerald/Topaz/Amethyst (Backpack): Cooldown increased
  • Topaz/Emerald (Other): Chances increased
  • Sapphire (Weapon): Higher proc chance, Perfect Sapphire now only applies 1 Cold like the other levels
  • Topaz and Amethyst added to the game.
  • Sapphire (Weapon): Higher chances, Mana gain increased to 3, now also applies Cold
  • Sapphire (Other): Should now trigger much more often due to the bugfix
  • Sapphire (Backpack): Does not use Mana anymore, cooldown is increased to account for it (should be much stronger now).
  • Emerald (Backpack): Cooldown increased, now gives +2 Regeneration on all qualities
0.3.7 Emerald, Ruby and Sapphire added to the game via Box of Riches