Armor (demo)

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Armor items typically give substantial amount of Block at the start of the battle. Some armors also trigger beneficial effects during the battle. All armors take 6 backpack slots (2x3).

List of Armors

Name Effect Class Rarity Cost
Corrupted Armor
  • Star Holy items are Dark.
  • 10% chance for each Star Dark item to protect debuffs on your opponent from being cleansed.
  • Start of battle: Gain 70 Block.
  • Every 3s: Cleanse 2 debuffs and inflict them on your opponent.
Godly 20 (13+7)
Holy Armor + Corrupted Crystal
Holy Armor
  • Start of battle: Gain 55 Block. Gain 2 Regeneration for each Star Holy item.
  • Every 3s: Cleanse 2 Poison.
Legendary 13
Leather Armor

Start of battle: Gain 45 Block. Resist 3 debuffs.

Rare 7
Vampiric Armor
  • Start of battle: Convert 30 health into 60 Block and gain 2 Vampirism.
  • Every 3s: Convert 10 health into 20 Block.
Legendary 16 (7+9)
Leather Armor + Blood Amulet