Spikes (demo)

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Spikes is a buff.

Deals 1 damage per stack when being hit with a Melee weapon (up to 100% of the damage).

List of Spikes items

Name Effect Class Rarity Cost
Ace of Spades

On reveal: Your next hit is critical. If the number of cards before is odd, gain 2 Luck and 2 Spikes.

Reaper Rare 4

On hit: Use 1 Regeneration to gain 1 Vampirism and 1 Spikes. Deals +1 damage per Spikes and Vampirism.

Godly 15 (7+8)
Hungry Blade + Thorn Whip
Claws of Attack
  • Attacks 5% faster for every Spikes.
  • After 4 hits, gain 1 Empower.
Epic 8 (4+4)
Gloves of Haste + Walrus Tusk
Djinn Lamp
  • Every 2s: Gain 1 Luck or 1 Spikes or 1 Mana, depending on what you have the least of.
  • Use 7 Block, 7 Luck, 7 Spikes, 7 Mana and 27 health: Give the Star Weapon +27 damage.
Godly 11

Every 4s: Gain 1 Spikes and heal for 3.

Legendary 7
Poison Ivy
  • You have a 5% chance to resist debuffs for each Star Nature item.
  • Spikes gained: Inflict 2 Poison.
  • Opponent reaches 19 Poison: They take +20% damage.
Ranger Unique 10
Ripsaw Blade

On hit: Remove 2 Spikes and 2 Regeneration from your opponent.

Legendary 10
Spiked Shield

On attacks (Melee): 35% chance to prevent 4 damage, remove 0.3 stamina from opponent, and gain 1 Spikes (up to 3).

Rare 8 (4+4)
Wooden Buckler + Walrus Tusk
Strong Stone Skin Potion

When you have at least 45 Block: Consume this and convert 15 health to 35 Block and gain 2 Spikes for 4s.

Legendary 9 (6+1+1)+1*
Stone Skin Potion + 2x Stone
Thorn Whip
  • On hit: Gain 1 Spikes.
  • Deals +1 damage per Spikes.
Epic 8
Tusk Piercer
  • Start of battle: Gain 2 Spikes.
  • Star Weapon hits: Use 1 Spikes: Next attack with Tusk Piercer deals +8 damage.
Ranger Legendary 12 (8+4)
Bow and Arrow + Walrus Tusk
Walrus Tusk

Start of battle: Gain 1 Spikes.

Common 4