Poison (demo)

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Poison Icon

Poison is a debuff.

Deals 1 damage per stack every 2 seconds.

List of Poison items

Name Effect Class Rarity Cost
Belladonna's Whisper
  • For every 9 damage Star Weapon deals: Next attack with Belladonna's Whisper inflicts +1 Poison.
  • Deals +0.5 damage per Poison of your opponent.
Ranger Legendary 15 (8+7)
Bow and Arrow + Pestilence Flask
Death Scythe
  • Star Items inflict +100% Poison.
  • Opponent reaches 35 Poison: Gain 50% critical hit chance.
Reaper Legendary 14
BPB Emerald Line.png
Weapon sockets:

On hit: 25/35/50/60/80% chance to inflict 1/1/1/2/2 Poison.

Armor & other sockets:

10/15/20/25/35% chance to resist Poison.


After 6/4/4/4/3s: Gain 1/1/2/3/4 Regeneration.

Varies 1/2/4/8/16
Fly Agaric

Every 5s: Inflict 1 Poison.

Reaper Rare 3
Health Potion

Health drops below 50%: Consume this and heal for 11 and cleanse 4 Poison.

Rare 4
Holy Armor
  • Start of battle: Gain 55 Block. Gain 2 Regeneration for each Star Holy item.
  • Every 3s: Cleanse 2 Poison.
Legendary 13
Nocturnal Lock Lifter
  • Start of battle: Gain 2 Vampirism.
  • Star Weapons steal 20% life.
  • Your healing is amplified by 25%.
  • Your Poison steals life through Vampirism.
Reaper Unique 10
  • Star Food activates: Inflict 1 Poison.
Legendary 11 (4+7)
Pan + Corrupted Crystal
Pestilence Flask

Opponent regenerates health: Consume this and inflict 3 Poison and 1 Poison to yourself.

Epic 7
Poison Dagger
  • On hit: Inflict 2 Poison.
  • On stun: Triggers extra attack.
Epic 11 (4+7)
Dagger + Pestilence Flask
Poison Goobert

5 Star item activations: Cleanse 2 Poison and inflict 4 Poison.

Reaper Epic 12 (6+3+3)
Goobert + 2x Fly Agaric
Poison Ivy
  • You have a 5% chance to resist debuffs for each Star Nature item.
  • Spikes gained: Inflict 2 Poison.
  • Opponent reaches 19 Poison: They take +20% damage.
Ranger Unique 10
Rainbow Goobert Omegaooze Primeslime

6 Star item activations: Heal for 20, gain 20 Block and 2 Vampirism, inflict 4 Blind and 4 Poison, and give Star Weapons +4 damage.

Reaper Godly 68 (6+15+18+12+17)
Goobert + Blood Goobert + Light Goobert + Poison Goobert + Steel Goobert
Storage Coffin
  • Add 8 backpack slots.
  • Item inside activates: you have a 25% chance to inflict 1 Poison.
Reaper Unique 20
Strong Health Potion

Health drops below 50%: Consume this and heal for 18, gain 2 Regeneration and cleanse 4 Poison.

Epic 8 (4+4)
Health Potion + Healing Herbs
Strong Pestilence Flask

Opponent regenerates health: Consume this and inflict 3 Poison and 1 Poison to yourself. After 7s, inflict another 3 Poison.

Reaper Legendary 10 (7+3)
Pestilence Flask + Fly Agaric